Sunday, October 20, 2013


A couple days ago, I was accepted to BYU-Idaho!! I'm just not sure which track I will be on, but I will definitely post that.
I haven't posted in a while, so I'll catch up on what's been going on. I have taken between 3-4 college classes, which has been pretty good. I took Psychology during the summer (which made my summer super short....), I took the first year of college English, I am taking Japanese-1 and History 17B, which is the Junior year of history that I skipped last year. They are fun classes, and I am especially loving my Japanese class. Kelly and Rion are in my class, and I really enjoy talking to them in Japanese. We just learned how to construct sentences, and it's so much more simple than English is. English is too complicated to be healthy.
I'm also taking a couple High School classes so that I can graduate early. I am taking Digital Art, which is a fun class; I take pictures and I edit them in photoshop or corell painter. I really enjoy it, though I wish I could see my artwork printed. That happens in the Spring semester. If I leave in January, it's not happening. Maybe I can just get some printed for the road :D. I'm also taking 'work experience'. I am working for my dad at the shop, and I do his website design as well as any paperwork/accounting he has for me. Mostly the computer stuff though. I enjoy that.
I'm also taking a Senior Skills class which leads me to my new calling; I am the LDSSA Shasta College VP while Lars is President and Amanda is Secretary. That's a fun calling. We plan activities for the Branch that the college students can go to and learn more about the Church and what we stand for. Part of our purpose is to provide a spiritual side to learning while students go to school. We are still trying to figure everything out, but hopefully we'll get our feet under us.
There's not much else going on, but it's getting pretty exciting and nerve wracking to think that I'm going to college soon. Can't wait!!