Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My New Adventure

Well, as the progress so far, I am almost done with my application to BYU-Idaho, and I am trying to go in January. It's so close! I also have a $1,000 scholarship that my mom found me.
I am currently 'enrolled' in Shasta College. I can get High School credits while still going to college, which is amazing. Psychology 1A with Kramer is a fun class, but a lot of in depth learning is on my own. She's kind of like the cute old lady that you sometimes do not take seriously, but she's really funny and a lot of fun in the classroom. I'm just working on my art skills ;).
Anywho, for those who don't know me too well, I am the oldest of five younger siblings. I'm 17, and my younger brother is about 8 years younger than me. It's pretty cool. I have two amazing parents, and I pretty much love life.

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